In order to understand the 2018 and 2019 wind tunnel test campaigns' results, a general study campaign has been ordered to the Huygens Aerodynamic Investigation project. The final goal is to try to understand the probe behavior during the final descent under the stabilizing drogue and to figure out what caused the rotational direction to reverse....

Following last year aerodynamic study of the Huygens probe, a new wind tunnel tests campaign is planned from the 21st of January to the 8th of February. The preparation of the campaign is now well underway. Some improvements of the 1/3rd Huygens mock-up of the probe should provide more precise results.

The mock-up of the probe is assembled and ready for the Wind Tunnel campaign. The latter started on Monday, the 12th of February. Many settings of the probe and its appendages will be tested during this two-week period.

First week was dedicated to the analysis of the probe data to make analogies between Titan's atmosphere and the wind tunnel. Moreover it is important to work on special features of the Huygens probe such as appendages to verify their influence on the probe moment.

The joint NASA/ESA/ASI mission CASSINI/HUYGENS allowed Huygens probe to land on Saturn's moon Titan in 2005. During its descent on Titan, the spin direction of the probe was unexpected. Thus, the comprehension of its origins is a major point for future missions and space agencies.

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